Imagotipo de la marca Suncloo


Optimizing the solar energy of your panels

UX/UI design for SunCloo mobile app. An app that connects with a small device that is added to the solar panel in order to identify the amount of energy received, the savings and identify problems that prevent best performance of panels.

Image of three mobile devices with three screens of the Suncloo App in a mockup presentation






3 months




What is SunCloo?

The SunCloo project arose from the need to offer a reliable alternative to solar panel applications that already exist on the market. Many electric companies already have their own Apps, however, they all have major deficiencies in terms of the capacity and quality of the data they measure. I was commissioned to design the App with a very clear idea from Jos茅 Luis, who had previously made a sketch in Figma of the functionalities that needed to be implemented.

Imagen que muestra la descripci贸n del briefing: What is SunCloo?

My responsibility

Scope of work and schedule

En un principio mi intervenci贸n en el proyecto solamente ser铆a dise帽ar la experiencia de usuario y la interfaz gr谩fica. A medida que se avanz贸 en el proyecto logr茅 intervenir en la maquetaci贸n de los componentes personalizados en el repositorio del proyecto de Git con el framework Vue Js.

Icono de UX Design

UX Design

Market Research for the project, I identified potential users and designed the user flow through the application, as well as applying design and usage pattern standards.

Icono de UI / Interaction

UI / Interaction

Design of components and screens. Layout of the design in Figma using the Atomic Design methodology, creating atomic components with state variants for reuse from the start.

Icono de Prototype


Micro animations design and creation of the visual prototype in Figma to validate the user flow, perform user tests and trials before moving the design to the Fontend development stage.

Icono de Frontend Development

Frontend Development

Frontend development of the MVP as a team in a single GitHub repo while developing the application's backend. Layout of the components in the Vue framework.

Project goals

This project in its initial stage had a very clear objective: to obtain a design with industry standards with limited deadlines to develop an MVP that had enough capacity to sell the idea to Venture Capital investors.

Project challenges

Although the idea of this mobile applications was similar to others on the market, the idea of the application and device itself was new and we did not find any direct references. The main challenge was to create a path detailed as possible so that anyone could configure the data reader device, the solar panel and the home Wi-Fi. Additionally, the notification and alert panel is one of the MVP functions and had to meet the needs of the project.

La soluci贸n

The app to get the most out of solar energy and save money

The solution has so far met all expectations and is currently seeking investors.


Data monitoring and analysis

Real-time monitoring: Access real-time data on the energy generation of your solar panels. You can clearly see how much you save and your monthly profits.

Data analysis: The app performs a detailed analysis of the data collected, providing you with information on energy production and savings achieved.

Alerts and notifications: Receive notifications in case of system failures or poor performance of solar panels.

Alerts component in SunCloo mobile app
Muestra del user flow de la app m贸vil The app to get the most out of solar energy and save money

Dise帽o de pantallas

User flow

Here you can see a summary of the user journey, from when the application is opened for the first time without data, through the configurator until the start dashboard is receiving data.

SunCloo mobile app user flow

Let's connect

Ready to make your ideas come true?

If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to assist you.

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